Waging war in the urban jungle

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The rule of 80/20

Years ago, when Paulo was in preschool I took over the reign of our Co-Op Board.  I'd served as the VP for 1/2 the school year and the current President's child was moving on to Kindergarten. 

When I took over the outgoing President gave me some advice that at the time I thought wasn't all that accurate. She told me about the rule of 80/20.  80% of the work is done by 20% of the people.  I scoffed a little inside...then I spent the next year doing 80% of the work of running a cooperative Preschool.  I've always remembered that statistic, I'm not sure there's any science behind the numbers but it sure feels accurate when you're part of the 20%.  And, yes I have always been and will always be part of the 20%.

I was reminded again of that sage wisdom last weekend.  Paulo's school is moving.  We start classes in our new location next Tuesday and the building is....not....ready.  So Paulo and I spent a chunk of the day there Saturday and I went back for a few hours Sunday.  I stopped by Monday to deliver a book shelf and rugs to his teacher and I was struck by the sea of familiar faces.  You see, it was the same dozen or so people that I'd seen all weekend long!  80/20....a vivid example of the rule of 80/20. 

I love my son's school, which is why I do not mind being part of that 20%.  I love his teachers, I love the staff, they are truly wonderful people who work for next to nothing and if I can make their lives easier by hauling boxes and moving furniture you can bet I will be there to do it.  I love being part of a community of kindred spirits that are working so hard to nurture my son, to help him grow up and develop both academically and emotionally.  They are such amazing people.  Without a doubt I love being part of the 20%.   I love being involved with his school and truth be told I love that people know who I am.  I am Paulo's Mom, I am part of the 20.

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