Waging war in the urban jungle

Monday, June 21, 2010

Oh to be a child

My son ran outside after dinner today intent on finding a friend to play with.  There's two in the neighborhood that are his "go to" buddies.  One right next door and the other across the street.  He had no luck with the boy next door so he darted across the street.  I giggled as I watched his half run/half wiggle-he has a very distinct running style-as he made his way across the street to ring buddy #2's doorbell.  Fortunately for all of us the kid across the street was free to play. 

I stood and marveled for a moment at how different his world is from the one in which I grew up.  He's so carefree, as he should be, compared to me at his age.  I also said a little prayer of gratitude that he has not one but TWO good friends a stone's throw from our front door, I think all kids should have best buddies to play with.  I'm grateful that Dimitri has that too, there is a boy in the neighborhood that is about a week older than he is and those two are inseparable.  I can honestly see them continuing their relationship through high school, college, marriages, babies and beyond.  I can see them offering congratulations on first jobs, first houses and first steps.  They are that strongly bonded. 

I envy my son's carefree childhood.  At the same time I'm grateful for it and will do anything to maintain it.  I want him to always feel safe-not sheltered, but safe.  I want him to feel loved but not smothered.  I want him to feel confident, but not arrogant.  Independent, but not reckless.  I want him to look back on his childhood and smile, because I can't.

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