Waging war in the urban jungle

Friday, September 3, 2010

As if grocery shopping weren't bad enough!

I did my bi-monthly pilgrimage today to the grocery store.  I try to limit myself to two big trips a month, sometimes I need to run in on the off weeks for more veggies and fruits.

I was in the home stretch, Winco, my local discount grocery store.  I loaded up my reusable bags first, but didn't have enough of them since this was my last stop of three stores.  To finish bagging my groceries, yes at Winco you have to do that yourself, I grabbed a paper bag.  I should have thought through what I put in which bag.  I grabbed my bag and turned to put in my cart and heard RIP!  The bag tore, my olives smashed to the ground and shattered, my cantaloupe followed-thankfully no shattering there and I'm left holding a torn bag in my hand, huge mess at my feet, mortified.  Absolutely mortified.

A very nice man starts yelling behind me asking if I need help.  Uh no, just a nice big hole to jump in would be lovely.  An equally nice man, that worked there, swooped down on me with a broom, reassuring me that he'd seen worse, and sending another guy off to get replacements for my olives that shattered and my salsa bottle that was damaged in the process.  I was surprised though that they didn't charge me for the replacements, I expected to pay again since it was no one's fault but my own that I was covered in olive juice. 

Seriously though, as if grocery shopping was not bad enough!  The only saving grace, I'm done with Winco for at least two weeks.


  1. It happens to the best of us. I'm sure they weren't even fazed!

  2. And it could have been worse, could have been the applesauce that shattered!
