Waging war in the urban jungle

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Old habits die hard

It is literally all I can do to keep my hands out of the candy bowl right now. I'm feeling a wee bit stressed out, well "wee" doesn't quite cut it, but regardless my old ingrained stress relief response is trying so hard to kick in. I.....want....sugar! And lots of it!!

I won't actually give in. But oh how I want to. It's interesting to me though, even after two solid weeks of extremely clean eating and no drinking the old ingrained pattern is still...well ingrained. When I am anxious or worried I want sugar. It can come in a variety of forms but I want it and I want a lot of it. I am also craving a Diet Coke, I haven't had one in over two weeks but still I'm stressed and my go to drink, at least at work, is Diet Coke. Totally bad for me in a variety of ways. No sugar rush but a whole host of other nasty things that are not the least bit helpful for me. Again, I won't actually give it....but I want to.

So how long does it take before my base instincts realize that those things aren't going to happen? Will I ever crave broccoli when I'm stressed out? I get the science behind the cravings, the sugar boosts (temporarily) the serotonin level producing (temporarily) a happy state of mind. So does a good loaf of high quality bread but my stress doesn't send me running to the nearest granola crunchy bakery for a slice of bread it sends me to the candy bowl to stare in wonder at all the pretty colors and plastic crap that fills the bowl.

Deep cleansing breaths.....at this point it is all I can do.

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