Waging war in the urban jungle

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day three

Day three begins on a peaceful note. A quiet morning of cartoons and breakfast with Paulo, Rene is sick in bed.

Day two ended on a weird note though! This challenge invaded my dream! I dreamt that I was with my friend, Julia, and that she offered me a shot of tequila and a beer....and I took it. I drank the tequila, took a couple of gulps of the beer, and then felt...like....crap. Literally felt sick, and guilty, in my dream. Very guilty. I knew I'd failed myself and, frankly, was mad at myself for losing my promised shopping trip. The dream was odd for a couple of reasons, one being that I never, ever, drink tequila with Julia. We drink wine....lots and lots of wine....Two though in the dream she'd made a huge pot of beans and we were eating those. Now I know where elements of this dream came from. Last night I made beans in my crock pot so I could make sopa de tortilla for dinner. Last night Rene had his customary Friday night drink, a shot of tequila and a beer. (No that's not why he's sick in bed, he's sick sick, got bit by a nasty virus.) I swear though that bottle was staring at me! I was cooking and there it sat, larger than life -granted it's a big bottle-on the counter....watching me, waiting for me to give in to temptation, daring me to take a sip....I actually, out loud, told the bottle that it didn't control me, that it had no power over me. If anyone had been in the kitchen I'm sure they would have thought I'd gone off the deep end. But ultimately I won. I beat that bottle of tequila. I didn't drink, except when I went to sleep. I drank then. And suffered the consequences of guilt and, interestingly enough, a headache when I woke up, just like the ones I get when I do drink hard alcohol. Odd huh?

I've seen a lot of benefits though from this and it's only been a few short days. My patience is improved, my sleep is better, my mood is light and even my skin looks clearer. I know I'm doing the right thing by taking this break and giving my body a chance to heal and feel healthy.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm...tried to comment the other day from my phone and apparently I need to be on an actual computer for my comments to post. At any rate, I am very proud of you! I can't relate to the alcohol (I drink 1-2 drinks max a month) but I am addicted to caffeine and am a slave to the the cup of joe or Diet Coke. I wish I could detox like you but I'm afraid of the headaches!
