Waging war in the urban jungle

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

36 starts off just fine

I honestly don't have many birthday memories.  I remember my 13th, my mother handed down the ruby ring that her mother gave her when she turned 13.  I love that ring.  I remember my 15th, my parents took my friends and I out to Elmers for breakfast, we decided we'd wear our jammies....I was the only one that wore mine!  Mind you they were not the jammies I slept in that night, oh no, I dressed for the occasion in a throat to toe red flannel nightie, long sleeved, and about 6 sizes too big.  I have pictures.  I thought I was HILARIOUS!  I also thought I was quite grown up at 15 sitting there at a restaurant, in my jammies, drinking coffee.  I remember one birthday getting a pink thong from my big sister, I'm not sure what age I was, a teenager I know, but the number escapes me, 16 perhaps.  The memory doesn't escape me though because I had no idea which was the back and which was the front! 

I don't remember turning 30.  Paulo was 2.5 months old.  I was fully engrossed in being his Mommy.  I remember 35-last year-because I took Dimitri to the midnight showing of Harry Potter 6.  I think, hope rather, I will remember this one.

I woke this morning somewhat groggy from a later than good for me night.  But at some point during the night or wee hours of the morning my husband had slipped my birthday card and a chocolate on to my nightstand.  When I saw it he told me, there's something special in your chocolate.  Well yeah, there's always something special in chocolate, it's called chocolate!  But seriously, he had folded up a paper and put it in the wrapper.  The paper was an advertisement we'd received recently for a massage special at a new place in Beaverton.  Inside the paper was money.  On the paper was written July 14 10:30.....huh?  Oh yeah, he booked a massage for me!  DURING THE WORK DAY!!  Good husband, major brownie points-perhaps he speaks my language after all.  I got downright giddy and giggled like a little girl.  Totally put a spring in my step!  I did the morning breakfast with him and then with the boys and loaded them into the car and headed for the gym.  I got to go to the gym before my massage, could the day get better?!  Yes, yes it could.  The massage was actually great.  Better than my last one and much needed.  After that was my annual lunch date with my Daddy, sushi, oh yeah, good day...very good day.  I finally rolled into work at 1:00 with lattes in hand, one for me and one for my Prince Charming who scheduled me a massage!  My day got even better when my wine sales rep told me he was sending me a little gift with my next shipment of wine we buy for our customers whose bills surpass that dreaded 1K mark, the wonderful man is sending me a case of wine, a case, to celebrate my birthday!  My three boys and I enjoyed a dinner out and then finally finished watching Avatar this evening.  All in all it was a delightful day.

Celebrating my birthday actually started last Sunday though at my In Law's house.  That too was, dare I say, just about perfect.  The weather was great.  The food was amazing.  The people I loved were there-well most of them anyway.  I would say that this birthday ranks easily at the top of my list.  I felt loved.  I felt special.  I felt validated.  I wish I could say I always feel like that on my birthday but the truth is, I haven't, but today, today I do.  I feel all that and more and I am grateful.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad! That's how people need to feel on their birthdays (ok everyday, but especially on the birthday.)
