Waging war in the urban jungle

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Signs, signs, everywhere are signs

I noticed a while ago the number 1 popping up, actually it's the number 11.  As in 11:11, I see that combo on my clock a lot.  I also notice 1:11 a lot.   A lot more than I think I should.  More than seems merely coincidental.  

I've been pondering my place in the Universe quite a bit lately.  I feel like there's something more.  Something bubbling just below the surface you know?  Paulo is in a track and field camp this week that is put on by a rather sizable SW Portland Church.  At the end of every evening they gather the kids and talk about life lessons such as responsibility, respect, fairness-you know good stuff to pour into their little spongy minds!   His time on the field has given me a lot of time to read, I finished The Spirit Whisperer by John Holland, and started Same Soul Many Bodies by Dr. Brian Weiss.  It's also give me more time to ponder. 

A few nights ago they talked about the responsibility for your talents.  Essentially not wasting your God given abilities.  It was a nice talk, age appropriate, but it left me wondering, pondering my place, trying to decipher what I'm supposed to do in this lifetime. You see, I believe in reincarnation.  I believe that in every lifetime we have certain tasks to complete, lessons to learn, things that we must do.  And if we fail to complete that Divine To Do list then we come back and try again....and again....and again....until we get it right.  Each time on Earth allows us to fine tune the soul a little more.  We learn as we go and we start to hum at a higher frequency.  Ultimately when all our Earthly lessons are learned then....well, I don't know, I'm not there yet.

I drove home that evening, pondering.  That night I glanced at my clock.  Yes, 11:11.  It happened again the next day.  And today, not the clock this time but the expiration date of a customer's credit card, this time it was 111.  It's been happening for weeks.

I googled numerology. I like that sort of stuff. There's a site I stumbled across called Spirit Link and the subject of the repeating number patterns was addressed. In it the author refers to these numbers as a message from our higher selves, the part of us that sees beyond the horizon-poetic no? I like that. It speaks to me.  So what is the significance of the numbers I am seeing repeated?

1-Creativity, independence, originality, ego, self
11-Intuition, idealism, invention, insensitivity, fanaticism

It's a bit like a tarot reading I suppose, highly subjective.  To me though what I see is a reassurance I'm on the right path.  Encouragement to keep working on my spiritual and physical self.  To trust my intuition.  Again, it's like a tarot reading, highly subjective. 

Another site I read referred to people born under the number 1.  Those include people born from the 21st of March through the 28th of April.  April 28 is Paulo's birthday. 

I suppose some could say it's merely coincidental that the numbers 1 and 11 keep popping up, but I don't think so.  I think there's more to life than meets the eye.  I think there are signs everywhere, if only we open our eyes and see them.  There are messages, but we have to be willing to hear them.

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