Waging war in the urban jungle

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Elimination diet update

We've been on the elimination diet for almost one full week.  I've noticed a few things that give me hope.
  • with one exception Paulo has slept through the night every single night since Sunday-this is a huge accomplishment for my notoriously terrible sleeper.
  • his allergic shiners seem to be getting lighter.
  • he's eating his meals better, I'm not a member of the clean plate club but at least eat enough to fill your tummy!
  • and a big one, I noticed this morning as I peeked in at him, he's sleeping with his mouth closed.
Paulo was always a mouth breather which led to some nasty sore throats.  He was sleeping so peacefully this morning-I had to check to make sure he was breathing!  His little mouth was closed.  He also used to sleep in an arched position, like a backwards C.  I haven't found him arched back all week.  It gives me encouragement that we're on the right track.  It's a lot of work but I think we're on the right track.


  1. such a good mother. though having a diet, still have time to take care of her children. good luck!

  2. Yes, thank you, having my son on a special diet while a lot of work is well worth it for the benefits I'm seeing. And since he's restricted on what he can eat I'm following it too with him. Figured it'd be mean to eat cheese in front of him when he can't have any!
