Waging war in the urban jungle

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I want.....

A latte.  Perhaps even a double latte.  The caffeine withdrawal headache has kicked in to high gear.  The lovely cup of green tea is not doing shit.  Neither is the advil.

The annoying thing?  Knowing I let myself get addicted, again, to caffeine.  I know I just need to tough it out for a few more hours.  It'll pass, it always does. 

Oh and on a somewhat unrelated side note, apparently I look dehydrated.  I was at New Seasons wandering their beauty products aisle-probably looking totally lost-when a sweet, young girl-with perfect skin- asked if she could help.  Why yes, I said, I'm looking for a new face cleanser, one without yucky stuff in it, that will be gentle on my skin.  We talked a bit more about price and if I thought my skin was dry or not.  No I told her, actually I'm prone to break outs depending on my cycle.  Oh she says....you look a little dehydrated.  Ouch, not generally used to describe one that is looking healthy huh?  I left with a lovely new facial cream cleanser, I'll try it out, if I like it I might buy myself the matching lotions.  And then I came back to work and drank more water.

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